Turkey Hill®

Turkey Hill offers a broad range of iced teas, beverages, and frozen desserts. Turkey Hill tasked Studio PKG to develop a premium, versatile PET solution for their single-serve beverages. The result was a conversion from a stock HDPE container to a unique PET solution which featured a natural “wave” pattern; establishing a premium signature which resonated with consumers.

The Objective – Refresh the Look

Ready to make the change from stock to custom, Turkey Hill needed a versatile, grab-and-go solution that could fit across their broad beverage portfolio.

Our Approach – Establishing a Signature

Through competitive market research both online and in-stores, Studio PKG identified an opportunity to improve the look and feel of Turkey Hill’s single-serve beverages. Studio PKG’s team of designers and PET engineers collaborated with Turkey Hill’s marketing team to develop dozens of concepts that featured a grab-and-go solution and took visual cues from cold, refreshing beverages to establish a premium “wave” pattern.

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