Catania Oils®
Catania Oils has been a leading provider of organic oils for foodservice and retail markets since 1900. The Catania team approach Studio PKG seeking a more sustainable 128oz design optimized for their supply chain. The resulting lightweight solution delivered against Catania’s goals to reduce carbon emissions and reduced pallet overhang while maintaining the brand aesthetic.
The Objective – Optimize Sustainability and Supply Chain Performance
Catania approached Studio PKG with the primary objective of reducing their carbon footprint by optimizing the weight of their existing design. During the discovery process the team identified a secondary objective to address supply chain concerns by reducing pallet overhang.
Our Approach – Lightweight Branded Solution

Studio PKG’s team of designers and engineers collaborated with Catania Oils to understand product performance needs throughout the value chain, and developed an optimized lighter-weight packaging solution that delivered the same product performance.

To address the supply chain concerns, scenarios were run to determine the ideal dimensions and product pack-out that would reduce the pallet overhang concerns while still working seamlessly on Catania’s fill lines.

Throughout the development process, Studio PKG’s designers emphasized the importance of maintaining a branded look and ensured the updated design followed the same visual language as Catania’s other family of bottles while following existing design patents.

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