Organic Valley® – Milk Container Packaging Case Study
The Challenge
Organic Valley® collaborated with Altium Packaging to produce a 64-ounce bottle that would relaunch their brand from traditional cartons into an HDPE container. Organic Valley® asked that the new bottles maintained the branding and messaging space cartons provided on grocery store shelves.

The Solution
Altium Packaging’s Studio PKGTM designers and engineers worked with Organic Valley® to ensure that the bottle being produced met their aesthetic and fill line requirements. The collaboration led to multiple versions of the design before a final bottle was selected for testing. As labeling and visual appeal were important aspects of this project, multiple types and applications were trialed until a solution was discovered.
The Results
The collaborative work between Studio PKGTM and Organic Valley® paid off with a unique 64-ounce HDPE bottle that maximized branding and messaging space and offered consumers an easy to grip bottle. This impactful new packaging featured a full shrink sleeve that made the bottle pop off the shelf and distinguished the brand among the sea of competitor’s cartons.
Similar packaging is now available in 16, 18, 32, 52, and 59 ounces, as well as other popular sizes. Click here to learn more