New Jersey’s Recycled Content Law (PCR)

New Jersey has taken a significant step towards promoting environmental conservation and waste reduction through the enactment of this new law. You can READ THE LAW at this link.

What does the law require?

The law requires certain products sold or offered for sale in New Jersey to contain a minimum percentage of post-consumer recycled material. The legislation aims to reduce reliance on virgin materials, encourage recycling, and minimize the environmental impact of consumer products.

What does this mean for my company?

If other states follow suit and pass similar laws, your company may be affected.

Altium Packaging is uniquely equipped to serve your PCR needs through our Envision Plastics team. Together, we can successfully navigate the requirements of the PCR law while fostering environmental sustainability. If you would like to learn more about our capabilities, please reach out to us.

Key Points to Understand:

Applicable Products: The law covers a broad range of products, including packaging materials, containers, beverage containers, paper products, and other designated items. It is important to review the legislation to determine if any of your brand’s products fall under its purview.

Minimum PCR Content: The law establishes specific minimum percentages of post-consumer recycled content that must be incorporated into covered products. These percentages vary depending on the product category and are outlined in the legislation. Compliance with these content requirements is crucial to adhere to the law.

Reporting and Certification: Brand owners are required to submit annual reports to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) detailing the amount of post-consumer recycled content used in their products. Additionally, certification of compliance may be required, and it is advisable to consult the NJDEP guidelines for specific reporting and certification requirements.

Enforcement and Penalties: Non-compliance with the PCR law may result in penalties and legal consequences. It is crucial for brand owners to understand their obligations under the legislation and take proactive steps to ensure compliance.

Ways We Can Help:

Compliance with the law: As your packaging partner, Altium is committed to working with you to address any changes in specifications you may need to make to comply with the new PCR law. To do so, however, we must be aware of such changes to determine capital needs and align technical resources.

We are equipped to serve you: Altium is also uniquely equipped to serve your PCR needs through our Envision Plastics team. Envision is one of the leading producers of HDPE and polypropylene PCR, including EcoPrime®–a product that has earned a letter of non-objection from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in food-contact applications—and OceanBound plastic, a product that uses reclaimed material at risk of becoming ocean pollution. As a division of Altium, Envision works seamlessly with Altium’s packaging team to fulfill our customers’ growing demand for PCR content.

Working together: We believe that by working together, we can successfully navigate the requirements of the PCR law while fostering environmental sustainability. If you would like to learn more about our capabilities, please reach out to us. We appreciate your business and look forward to working with you on this important matter.

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